Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

I believe that I have learnt a lot about the different technologies and software’s available to me during the course of the production of my magazine. I started off my completing a photo shoot in order to gather images to use within my magazine. During this task I learnt how to use a professional camera and focused on the different camera shots and angles available to me. I managed to find different ways to create these angles such as standing on a chair to create a low angled shot etc. I also had to think about the effectiveness of the camera shots for example I realised that a close up can help to promote closeness with the reader.

I also discovered the importance of lighting as this can create a certain mood within the photo I generally tended to use high key lighting as the article I was doing was more upbeat and energetic, however I now understand when it is appropriate to use lower key lighting and how to do this. Working with professional lighting was a great opportunity as the shots came out much clearer than they would have with natural lighting.


Another way I have learnt about technologies is through software’s such as Photoshop, which I used throughout the production of my magazine. I found out that there are two ways to cut out images; using the quick selection tool and through quick mask mode, and I ended up incorporating both of these in order to create smooth edges of my photos when I was removing them from the backgrounds. I also used the ‘refine edge’ tool to either smooth or feather the edges of the photo once it was cut out from the background. With all of these techniques, I ended up with very professional looking photos as a result that were also cut out well.

As well as using the general tools such as text and shapes on Photoshop, I also looked into adding different FX to certain aspects of the different pages in my magazine. I used strokes to make sure that the text was legible on any colour background and drop shadows for a 3D effect and to make the text look more prominent on the page. In some cases, I felt that the white background was too boring and left too much black space on some of my pages, in this case I added a gradient to the background where I added a square that faded from black to white. I also used this effect on boxes with text on then for my contents page.

This is an example of a gradient that I used on a heading for my contents page:

                Another way I used Photoshop was to change the opacity of my images if I wanted to use them in the background of the page. I also adopted the use of the black and white tool and I used ‘levels’ to adjust the image and make is look more defined. On my front cover I also used a ‘bevel and emboss’ effect to create my ‘free A4 poster’ sell line. This gave the text the appearance that it was coming out of the page and is eye catching for the readers.


                I feel that during the production of my magazine, the technologies that I have had access to have played a very important role in the finish of my magazine. With Photoshop, my magazine looks professional and the images look well cut out and the different effects I have used make sure that each sell line on my front cover also looks unique. Having access to a professional camera and lighting have also been an advantage as I have ended up with a collection of very clear photos that are bright and with the effects, they are more interesting to look at.

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